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Saturday, November 3, 2007

: Nur Hakim Azmi
Age : 18
Live : West Coast Cres, Singapore!
Playing Since : 7yrs old?
Fav.Player : Hans!!!
Fav. Player : Ignitus (international)
Div. Play : 1A . 2A . 5A
Fav Div. : 2A
1st yo yo : Proyo 2
Fav. yo yo : Grind Master / Xconvict (strictly with shaved down orings & lubed KK bearings, 0.35 mm shims)
Love when : after a long lecture in school.
Hate when : before a long lecture in school.

Titles (nothing fancy...still working on it...haha)
SYYC 05 - Finalist CW div.
SYYC 05 - Finalist OS div.
WCC 07 - Finalist 1A div.
WCC 07 - Finalist 5A div.
SYYC 07 - Finalist 5A div.

YYAS committee member
Spinworkx Event Coordinator

Why you started to play yoyo ?

My cousin was member of Bandai hyper yoyo club @ Bishan CC and i was soo amazed with the tricks he could do. My other cousin once brought his proyo to my house during a hari raya trip and i tried it... From the influences of these two, i fell in love with yoyoing ever since.

What you think about local scene and international scene ?

People say that yoyoing has passed its peak and wont grow anymore. I think otherwise. Its just the beginning to a big future in the years to come. Ive been around long enough to see the local scene to grow from nothing and am proud to have followed through the years to what it has come today. I get really inspired to meet yoyoers around the word from different continents and listen to their own story of how they got hooked on to this special sport. Some players in various countries dont have the privellege of having a yoyoing community nearby them and keep the interest alive on their own. So at least when we have our own scene here, we should appreciate what we got and do our best to share the love of the sport. There are kids out there wondering how they could pursue their love for the sport but has no information about how to begin...lets go out and help everyone who shares a love of the sport as much as we do, regardless of age,sex,race or religion!

Do you have any comment or opinion on why AP this year is postponed ?

At first i was pretty sad that it was not during december. But to think about it, its a better thing for everyone. Flights cost more during the end of the year where its the super peak periods, and yes...same goes to accomodation. By having AP during a non-peak period like March, more players could afford to travel down to the event destination. We all need to understand that the Asia Pacific Yoyo Championships doesnt belong to only Spinworkx, it is the pride of yoyoers across asia who makes the dream possible by coming down to support the passion of yoyoing as one community!

I heard many bad rumors on AP postponed is it true ?

Well ive been at the forefront of helping to manage AP for 2 years now. All i can say is that it is not a simple event to manage. Unlike worlds whereby its at a single location each year, AP faces the challenge to find new sponsors and event location to make the event more prestigeous each year. As for those who have been fortunate to be a part of AP for the last few years, you can expect to see crowds reaching 2000 eyes watching you do a freestyle and the ambience gets better and better each year. Most players take for granted that these experience comes for free...hey! we dont charge entry for the contests & whats more? For the last few years, seeded and invited players receive a discount for flight and accomodation! Now about those bad rumors...hahaha...lets just put it this way, who ever dare to come up with those should put their money where their mouth is and step up to help the asian yoyoing community organize the event rather than waste their time to come up with excuses. Hey if the even goes successful, everyone shares the pat on the back. When something goes bad, everyone finds who to dart on the forehead. haha... ironic isnt it?

Do you really think winning is important ?

Yes. If you are the champion if someone tells you no...bullShit!It was the idea of winning that got everyone inspired to step up and challenge their own mental and physical abilities.

However, although winning is important, it isnt everything. Id leave readers to reflect on how you would each like to interpret this. Everyone has their own perspective to this. I love to do shows and organize events, so winning a competition isnt everything for me.

Do describe the difference between YYAS and Spinworkx.

YYAS is a non-profit association which focuses on the development of the local community. Spinworkx is a company that through its profits and fund provides support to the asian community to run their local community events. Spinworkx has helped several countries to set up their own local webstore, sponsored teams as well as help organize their own local nationals.

Where you get inspiration to make trick ?

Mostly from tricks i saw from others and take the same idea and make it my own with something new.


ill turn on the music in the middle of the night or in between lessons and play my yoyo and try new things and experiment with new moves.

What really you seek in making a trick or combo ? Purity or normal or have fun or anything..

Something that excites me when i see it. Its gotta be pure genius, beyond normal and must be fun to do.... haha.

Your wish list for the coming year in yoyoing ?

Hmm... Id sure like to get top 3 for SYYC/WCC 08 & probably be a finalist for AP08 as well.

About yoyos, id like a few g5+ from YYF and some 888s.Also...some good amount of raiders so i can pursue my interest in 2A.

Last word for the current player and new to yo yo ?

You guys are the pioneers to what yoyoing will be in the future. Lets all step up now and create a history for a bright future ahead!

He is may be not the best player around but he do help something to the yoyoing community