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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Here is the interview on some of the M-Yo crew that is Johnathan Lee.
Can say he is the among best 5a player very good in handling "ball" yeah i mean "ball" not that ball CW ball and his 5a style are mostly like Rafael Matsunaga...

I like the way he play because he got many unique trick and full of originality and also many CW released trick and mix with some acrobatic move like using his teeth and much more

The bottom line is he is CREATIVE...

And here is the interview i working on midnite(Wei study la SPM-A notice to name:Jonathan LEE)

: Johnathan Lee
Playing since : 1999 - proyo-8 years
Div Play : 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A
Main Div : 5A
Fav. player local : hassan
Fav. player international : Steve and Rafael
Fav. Modder : Takeshi and Skon

2005 - X div - 2nd
2006 - 5A - 2nd
2007 - Duncan Open Invitational -1st

Asia Pacific yo yo championships
2005 - 5A - 10th
2006 - 5A - 7th

Why you start to play yo yo ?
Actually i start during the proyo time in Malaysia and i was truly inspired by yohans.From there i started to play yo yo.I had also get encouragement by my dad to play yo yo.And from there i start to play yo yo until now

Can you say your first yo yo and your currently favorite yo yo ?
My first yo yo is my proyo 2 and my favorite yo yo is the 888 or lapanlapanlapan or fatfatfat or anything u want to called for and its from yoyo factory.

What the your view in local scene in yoyoing ?
Well i feel the scene is still at the growing stage many ppl still is unaware of yoyo activities
but its all good

What things really inspired u to play 5a ?
Steve brown Nunchuck and Rafael madness

The s**kiest thing when play yo yo and the best part in yoyoing?
Getting a knot anddiscover new trick"innovation"

How is your yo yo life and the yoyoing to the world?
My yoyo life is great and yoyoing to the world is fun and self-improving

Why u started to mod yo yo ?
I started when half a year before the mod team establish. Well cause of the idea i and my mod team can come out with and my desire to make yoyo less responsive

Will your mod help others yoyoer?
Yeah it does it helps for advance player not really for beginners

Fav modded yo yo and the things u hate during mod a yo yo ?
Fav mods are recessing things i hate no electricity.

What your advice to those who are start to yoyoing ?
Well i say keep on yoyoing!! keep it up cos tricks are indispensible!!

Wish list in yoyoing ?
Erm a higby FHZ, painted yoyos, modded yoyos and more metals

Last word wat u want to say to the ending ?
Mad love to all yoyo players and yoyoing is cool and in.(not yo-stick??)

Haha thats all folk hope u enjoy on the interview with Johnathna Lee..Coming post are Bu-Ko so stay tune on my blog hehe

Spin 4 Life