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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Say yes to my blog..

To make some kinda "special" i will do some or many interview in this blog...

The 1st victim will be me...

*Note all interview are real and are not been edited for any good reason haha..

: Hassan Bin Marialis
Div. Play: 1A 3A 5A
Main Div. : 1A
Dislike Div : 2A because very hard to play
Fav. Player(Local) :Dimi and all 1a player
Fav. Player(International) : Yuuki Spnecer
Fav. Modder : Takeshi and Skon
Fav.Trick(1A) : Gyro and Picture Trick
Fav.Trick(3A) : Mach 15 - Thanks to Jack Ringca that diven this name :)
Fav.Trick(5A) : Double Dice
Love when : Get new trick YAY
Hate when : Knot

How can you start yoyo and who really inspired you to play yoyo?
Hmm.. actually i start when i was in proyo time long2 time ago but i stop after 1 year playing at the Proyo season.Then after several years suddenly the Super Yoyo season come and from there i start to play again.Who relly inspired me play yoyo maybe I BORN TO PLAY??

What yoyoing is for you?
For me playing yoyo is fun and it begin to be a part of my life.Its kinda art in a certain way.

Why you choose to play 1a mostly ?
The reason i like to play 1a mostly because its easy to get new trick i think.But any div is depends on the player the way they view of their fav division.Maybe 1A best bcause everyone can play it ??

Why you start to mod yoyo ?
I start to beacuse i get a tension with my Duncan FHZero beacuse it to responsive.Then i start to mod and this is were the funny story start.1st i dont know how to recessed then i just take a drill and simply drill a hole into it, funny rite.And the result become you know it hehe.From there i start to take some advice from the internet and start to learn the corrct way to do mod yoyo and until now i still mod yoyo

Can you tell how the Exodus Mod Team are establish ?
At the first time i see some of the modder are really interested in moding yoyo.
So i think that i try to establish a team that easy people to refer with and have their yoyo to mod.I am the founder of the mod team but the leader now are Johnathan Lee because im to lazy to take care the mod team...hehe

What is your Fav modded yoyo and is it the mod yoyo can help player?

My fav modded yoyo is the x-con ring with the flymaster body and my mini panda where it is a hybrid from a flying panda and a mini motu ring.
Ithink i can help player to improve the yoyo and hence improve thei yoyo skill if their hacve a better yoyo to play

Why yoyo is fun?
Because i meet alot of people all over the world yay!!

So how you think the yoyoing scene for local and internationally ?
For local scene i think its growing up stage not so many player come out recently and modder to and for internationally i see a lot of new player coming and their skill are more improving in sense of originallty

How best describe you when play yoyo
Emm.. one word people always say me "CRAZY" maybe that best describe me hehe

So your last word to those outside?

Keep yoyoing and have fun!!!

Thanks to Hassan to have a time in our interview section
*Why not im the interviewer haha